test post

Today I uploaded the full batch of things I had ready for my Society6 page. And I. Am. Terrified.

It isn't so much that things will be out there for sale to total strangers, it's that I've made my friends and family aware that it is for sale. I'm scared of what they'll think. I'm scared of the judgment. I'm scared they'll think I'm silly or stupid or wonder what I'm trying to do by competing with other real artists. 

But I know these people and I know they'll be nothing less than completely supportive. What's really nagging me is my own lack of confidence. I think anyone that creates is plagued by the same feelings, which is unfortunate. I'm in no way comparing myself to the Van Goghs and Monets of the world, but when they were alive only a few people liked their art too. I'm sure Dali and others got their fair share of raised eyebrows and outright dismissals from countless numbers of people. The point is that they still tried. They still picked up their brushes and pencils and did work, and I'm inspired by their example. 
I am scared, but also really excited to see things I've loved in my home put on canvases and pillows and phone cases and other things. I hope people do see them and buy them and that they get the same amount of happy I've gotten from them. I have the originals taped up in frames from Target and Wal-Mart and Ikea for the most-loved ones, fancy!), so seeing what they look like professionally printed and framed makes my heart skip a beat or two. I paint for practice and for fun but also to express a feeling; to get an emotion out of me and onto the paper and share it for everyone. I love macro photography because it catches all these little teeny details that might otherwise go unnoticed, and to me, those details are often the most beautiful parts of the objects.